Because They Love

One of the most forthright apostles of Mary in the modern era was Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. A few examples will suffice to reveal his heartfelt love for Our Blessed Mother. For 60 years as a priest he remained faithful to an ordination promise he made to Our Lady to offer Mass in her honor […]

I Beg You to Lay it Well to Heart…

Today we return to St. Louis de Montfort’s teaching about presumptuous devotees. In the second part of his teaching, he does two things: he warns us against compromising with sin, and he encourages us to actively seek an ongoing conversion.

A Trick of the Devil

Three down, four to go, by that I mean in our previous posts we have briefly addressed three of the seven false devotions that St. Louis de Montfort writes about in True Devotion. Thus, we have arrived at the fourth type of false devotion: presumptuous devotees. Given that Montfort dedicates more time and effort to draw out the dangers of this type of false devotion, I think it would help us to break the text down and provide you with a running commentary on some of its key points.

Return to Our Lady

If heeding the Lenten call to make more time for prayer hasn’t moved you then maybe this initiative will. Recently one of our American cardinals has launched a nine-month novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

We Honor Jesus in Honoring Mary

Honor your mother and father. It’s not only one of the first of God’s Commandments that we learned in Catechism class, but for many of us it is also one of the first household lessons we learned. I can remember several moments when I especially learned this lesson the hard way.

External Devotion: A Word of Warning

In today’s blog post I do not intend to take any political positions or show any political bias. I’m simply using a factual situation to make a point. That the situation involves the current president of the United States is simply accidental to the story.

Scholars, Lovers & Apostles

Oh, if Mary were but known, how much happier, how much holier, how much less worldly should we be, and how much more should we be living images of our sole Lord and Savior, her dearest and most blessed Son!

Mother of God, Woman of Faith

In honor of Mary being the Mother of God, I want to offer you a meditation on Mary’s faith. For as Pope Francis teaches us, Mary “conceived first faith and then the Lord”.[1] To help us meditate on this mystery and draw fruit from it for the living out of our consecration to Mary, I […]

Mary and Christmas

It is a profession of faith in the inseparable mysteries of Christ’s Birth and Mary’s Motherhood. Thus, in a sense, we can say that Christmas is a special moment for those who consecrated to Mary. We have the opportunity to draw as much spiritual fruit from Jesus’ nativity as Mary’s maternity. It is a moment of grace to be born anew spiritually with Jesus through Mary.

Our Lady of the New Advent

In these closing days of Advent, what can our two recent Marian feasts teach us about preparing for Christ’s birth at Christmas?