Day Three – December 1st, 2023 – Immaculate Conception Novena

Mary’s Meekness The Third Beatitude: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. (Mt 5:5) Isn’t Mary’s meekness a given? Is there really need to talk about it, much less contemplate it? Mary may not have struggled with being meek, but we do. The main purpose of these meditations is not to convince […]

Immaculate Conception Novena

Introduction  Nine days. This was how long it took the Persian angaros (couriers) to deliver a message from one corner of the Empire to another.[1] What was the secret of their lightning-fast speed? The Persian Royal Road. One of the great engineering feats of King Darius I’s reign was the building of the Persian Royal […]

Take This to Heart

As we honor Our Lady’s Presentation in the Temple today, I want to take the opportunity to call our attention to one of the “necessary” aspects of Marianizing our life according to St. Louis de Montfort: avoiding mortal sin and its near occasions.

Mary’s Thanksgiving and Ours

In little less than a week, Americans will gather around dinner tables to celebrate Thanksgiving. There will be family gatherings. There will be turkey on the table with all the “fixin’s”. But will there be a moment of true thanks-giving?

Pierced for Love

Suffering with Mary can only be understood in light of her suffering with Christ. To redeem us from our sins and make of us a family of redeemed children…

On Fire for Her!

Not all fires can be put out with water. I learned that lesson the hard way.